Practised Web Designing with HTML, CSS3, Boostrap, jQuery in last few years.
Developing on C# ASP.Net, VB.Net. Making Application that make business easier.
Providing Hosting Services, Business Email, SSL etc. from cloud server SmarterASP
Still various type of creativities remaining like SEO, Analysis, Finance and much more.
Started working as Website Developer on field from 2016, in starting stage I read articles on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery etc from w3schools and tutorialspoint, which helped me a lot. I am still used to read them again and again.
As I was on the job, I need to learn Server Side coding as well. The company and seniors helped me a lot in learning of VB.Net and C# programming. I am still learning everyday. I would also like to thanks PragimTech, for every C# and MVC tutorials.